Glaucoma Surgery Archives | Pinke Eye Center


man outside winter

Can I Get Glaucoma In My Twenties?

Glaucoma is a condition that progressively steals your eyesight, permanently damaging your vision. Generally speaking, glaucoma is more common in people who are older. You should be especially vigilant when you pass the age of 40. But glaucoma is not limited to the elderly. Glaucoma can occur in patients that are much younger. This can […]

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glaucoma age man outside

Why Do I Need Eye Drops For Glaucoma?

There are a few ways to treat glaucoma, but by far the most common way is through the use of specialized eye drops. These eye drops cannot reverse the damage done by glaucoma. That’s because any vision loss due to glaucoma is unfortunately permanent. But they do stop glaucoma from worsening, preventing any more vision […]

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Man leaning on bike

Why You Should Be Scared Of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a nightmare of a disease. Not only is it incurable with no warning signs, but any vision lost from it is permanent. That doesn’t mean you should lose hope! Glaucoma is treatable. When treated, glaucoma can be slowed down to prevent it progressing further. This requires you to have frequent medical exams. Keep reading […]

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