There is a relationship between dry eye and cataracts, but it isn’t what you think it is. Cataracts do not cause dry eye, but temporary dry eye is a possible side effect from cataract surgery. For many people, when they have dry eye after cataract surgery, it’s because they had it before. It is a […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | March 28, 2019
Intraocular lenses are a vital component to successful cataract surgery. IOLs replace lenses and can provide almost indistinguishable eyesight to the patient. Often, the patient ends up with better vision than they’ve ever had! But the world of IOLs is vast and can be quite confusing if you’re only starting to look into them. Wondering […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | March 15, 2019
There is no way to prevent cataracts. If you live long enough, you will eventually get cataracts. There are ways to slow down their progress, but they must be removed. There is only one way to do that, which is with cataract removal surgery. Cataracts usually grow slowly and do not need removal when they […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | January 31, 2019
Cataract removal surgery is a very unique procedure. You may think it involves removing the cataract, but there’s more to it! Thanks to our current technologies, cataract surgery involves removing the lens. When that lens has been removed, it’s replaced with an IOL, or intraocular lens. What is interesting about IOLs is they can make […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | December 14, 2018
Even with a common procedure like cataract surgery, there are many questions about it. Patients who need cataract surgery may not have a clue what the procedure entails. Thankfully, it’s an extremely safe surgery! It’s a very well understood surgery. It’s also no coincidence that it’s one of the most performed surgeries in the world. […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | November 30, 2018
When it comes to surgery on your eyes, pain is a top concern. Everyone has gotten poked in the eye at some point! It hurts, so why would you want to do something like it on purpose? Cataract surgery couldn’t be further from getting poked in the eye! It is performed under localized anesthetic. This […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | October 12, 2018
Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries in the U.S. Because of this, it can boast an incredibly impressive 98% success rate, which also makes it one of the safest surgeries. However, it is still a major surgery and risks of complication involved. If you are nervous about getting cataract surgery with the […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | August 16, 2018
Cataracts and dry eye are conditions that are very different from each other, but share two important things in common: they affect eyesight, and they can be treated. Furthermore, the two do have a relationship. Dry eye is one of the risks associated with cataract surgery, as a pre-existing dry eye can be made worse […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | July 10, 2018
If your cataracts are beginning to interfere with your quality of life, your doctor may have suggested cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is a common procedure to remove your cataracts permanently, and it can be a life-changing procedure for those who suffer from bad cataracts. But many people have questions before they decide to have surgery. […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | June 18, 2018
Have cataracts? Looking to get them removed? Cataract removal surgery has been proven safe time and time again. The common procedure can help restore your vision and improve the quality of your sight. After cataract surgery, it’s possible that your vision will be the best it’s been in years! Recovery from cataract surgery is not […]
Read MorePosted in Cataracts | May 3, 2018