5 Easy Ways To Recover After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the safest surgeries you can have in modern medicine. But the surgery does need you to go through a recovery period, during which your eyes will be vulnerable.
Recovery time varies from patient to patient, but you can expect to need to be vigilant for a few months. Here are some ways you can help yourself recover quickly and efficiently.
1. Never Rub Your Eyes
As you recover, your eyes may begin to feel itchy and uncomfortable. Even though you will want to rub your eyes after cataract surgery, it is very important that you resist the urge.
Rubbing your eyes is likely to result in serious injury. This can also cause further complications and make it harder for your eyes to heal.
Instead of rubbing your eyes, use the eye drops provided to you to help with any irritation. You should be using these drops several times a day.
The key is to use them before your eyes even become itchy. The drops will not only soothe, but create a protective and lubricating barrier for your eyes.
2. Get Plenty of Rest
Sleep is very important for recovering from a procedure, and cataract surgery is no different. After you get home from your surgery, feel free to take a nap.
Just be sure to wear the protective eye shield that’s provided. It will prevent you from touching your eyes in your sleep.
3. Avoid Getting Any Water In Your Eyes
Water can carry a surprising amount of bacteria. Bacteria and other things can cause an infection in your more vulnerable eyes.
Normally this is fine, as our bodies can resist it. After cataract surgery, your eyes will be more prone to infection as they begin to heal from the surgery.
You should not swim or soak in a hot tub for a few weeks after cataract removal. You can continue to shower, but be cautious with using shampoo and try not to open your eyes as much as possible.
Do your best to not get any water in your eyes during this recovery process.
4. Do Not Put Strain on Your Eyes
During the beginning stages of recovery, your eyes can be damaged by putting too much pressure on them. Even something as mundane as bending over at the waist can cause harm.
Be mindful of how you move for the first few days, avoid heavy lifting, and try to just relax as much as you can. If you have an intense exercise routine, take time off from it.
Any kind of strenuous exercising could cause your eyes to be under too much pressure.
5. Check-In With Your Doctor
You will need to check in with your doctor periodically as you recover so that they can track your progress. You will receive valuable advice as they check for potential problems.
It is also a good time to ask questions about your recovery, or if you need a refresher on the instructions. Your first check-in will be within 48 hours of the surgery.
You will likely have several more over the next few months. This will continue until you have completely recovered.
Think you may need cataract surgery to have cataracts removed? Schedule a cataract screening at Pinke Eye Center in Shelton, CT to find out!