3 Things To Know About Cataract Surgery Before Undergoing It

Cataract surgery only takes about 10 minutes to perform, but there’s a little more to it. You need to prepare before undergoing the procedure.
Here are some of the steps for preparing to have your cataracts removed. Keep reading for 3 things you should know about cataract surgery before undergoing it!
1. You Will Need to Choose an IOL
One of the most important parts of preparing for your cataract surgery is selecting an IOL. IOL stands for “intraocular lens”.
An intraocular lens is a small device designed to completely replace your eye’s natural lens. This is necessary because you cannot simply remove cataracts from the lens.
Instead, a surgeon needs to remove the natural lens and then replace it with an IOL. An IOL ensures that you can continue to see after cataract surgery.
There are quite a few varieties of IOLs, so you will have to select the right IOL for your lifestyle. If you don’t mind relying on glasses after cataract surgery, choose a monofocal IOL.
Monofocal IOLs are the most basic IOL available. These IOLs only provide sharp vision at one distance, either near or far.
You will need to use glasses in situations if you need to see using the uncorrected distance. If you don’t want to wear glasses after cataract surgery, a premium IOL may be a better choice.
There are several kinds of premium IOLs available, and they are more expensive. Premium versions can not only provide you with clear sight in a range of distances, but they may also be able to correct previous refractive errors.
Premium IOLs include multifocal, accommodating, toric, and aspheric IOLs. Each kind of IOL has its own set of abilities, advantages, and disadvantages.
Talk to your eye doctor to determine what their recommendation for an IOL is.
2. You’ll Have to Stop Doing These Things
You will need to stop some of your normal habits shortly before you begin your surgery. This includes eating or drinking for 12 hours before surgery.
You should also stop taking any medications that increase bleeding. If you use antibiotic eye drops, you will need to stop about two days out from the surgery.
3. You’ll Have to Get a Ride
As short as the procedure is, you will have some lasting effects as you recover from the surgery. The most immediate issue is that your vision will likely be blurry as your eyes adjust.
This will prevent you from being able to drive safely, so you should plan on getting a ride to and from the surgery. You should be safe to drive shortly after the first day.
Don’t get behind a steering wheel until you feel it is safe. Everyone’s recovery timeline is different, and you don’t want to put the safety of others at risk.
Still curious about cataract surgery? Set up a cataract screening with us at Pinke Eye Center in Shelton, CT. We’re happy to answer your questions!
If you have cataracts that are interfering with your life, it may be time to have them removed!