onur, Author at Pinke Eye Center | Page 4 of 7


Dry Eye Treatment Shelton

How Do I Know If I Have Dry Eye?

You may have heard about a common ailment that many people get in the summer called dry eye. Like the name implies, dry eye is a condition people develop when their eyes don’t produce enough tears to keep them wet and moist. Dry eye can affect people all year long, but because of the heat, […]

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Glaucoma Surgery Shelton

3 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a very serious condition. The most common type of glaucoma has almost no symptoms, making it extraordinarily difficult to detect until vision has been lost. Unlike other conditions such as cataracts, once you lose vision to glaucoma, it’s gone forever. However, the situation is not hopeless. Certain medications help slow the progression of […]

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older man outside

Cataract Surgery Recovery: 5 Things to Expect

Have cataracts? Looking to get them removed? Cataract removal surgery has been proven safe time and time again. The common procedure can help restore your vision and improve the quality of your sight. After cataract surgery, it’s possible that your vision will be the best it’s been in years! Recovery from cataract surgery is not […]

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sagging eyelids

Sagging Eyelids? There’s a Solution!

As we get older, our skin begins to lose its elasticity and hangs lower and lower from our body every year. It’s not just your arms and neck that are affected, though. Sagging eyelids are a common problem that many people face, and the issue extends beyond cosmetic. Eyelids can sometimes sag low enough that […]

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Lattise: How Does It Work?

One of the most popular trends in fashion today is having long and full eyelashes, which is unfortunate for those of us who have naturally thin ones. Many people resort to fake eyelashes, but they can be difficult and frustrating to apply correctly. Too many botched attempts can become expensive very quickly, leaving you angry, […]

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mom and daughter

How Do I Know If I Have Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a frightening condition that is very dangerous. It can threaten your sight if left unchecked and is notoriously hard to detect. It is actually also referred to as “the silent thief of sight” due to its lack of noticeable symptoms until loss of vision has already occurred. Any vision loss due to glaucoma […]

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older man laptop

Cataract Surgery: How to Choose an IOL

Getting cataract surgery can be an overwhelming experience. From choosing an experienced eye surgeon to making all of the appointments necessary, there’s a lot of decisions to make. One of the most important decisions you will make, however, is which kind of IOL you will use. To help with this decision here is some helpful information […]

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Managing Diabetes for Eye Health

Managing Diabetes for Eye Health

Diabetes, both type 1 and type 2, is known to cause a plethora of secondary conditions. Uncontrolled diabetes can negatively affect all parts of your body, and your eyes are no exception. To keep your eyes healthy and free of diabetes-related disease, properly managing your diabetes is key. Here are some things you should know […]

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Cataract age woman thinking

Choosing a Cataract Surgeon

Finding a surgeon is hard. Finding a surgeon who can successfully perform surgery on your eyes can be even harder. Rest assured, however, that there are many avenues you can take that will ensure you are choosing the right cataract surgeon to fit your needs. All you need to do is a little bit of […]

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4 More Things You Should Know Before Cataract Surgery

4 More Things You Should Know Before Cataract Surgery

If your vision is blurry as a result of cataracts, your doctor may recommend cataract surgery. During cataract surgery, your doctor will remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear artificial one. Many patients get nervous at the mention of surgery and that is completely understandable. However, cataract surgery is an incredibly safe and […]

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Shelton Medical Center
Shelton, CT 06484
FAX 203.924.0388